Storybook Advent

December 16, 2006

This year I went to the library and checked out loads of Christmas story books. I wrapped them all up and put them in a box under the tree; an idea I got from Chris. Each night we unwrap and read one book for a bedtime story. My three-year-old loves the anticipation of what book she will get. My one-year-old loves unwrapping. In fact, he usually unwraps a book in the morning and another in the afternoon. I have a lot of extras, so I don’t mind. And it is really gearing him up for Christmas morning. He will know exactly what to do.

What I will do different next year: I will wrap long stories and short stories in different colors of wrapping paper. This way I can influence the pick towards a shorter book on nights where the kids need to be in. bed. NOW. As it is, I am left skipping pages. And that just doesn’t feel Christmassy.